Ambit 2018 Kickoff Party

2018 is here and Ambit is meeting it head on by coming together for our annual Kickoff Party.
Nick Sanchez Awarded with the Ambit Consulting Blade of Honor

After five years of service, Nick Sanchez was awarded the Ambit Consulting Blade of Honor. Beginning his career at Ambit as a Field Surveyor, Nick has worn many hats since joining the team in 2012. He currently heads up several projects and focuses on providing our team with leadership and our customers with outstanding customer […]
Packages From Home Packing Party

The entire Ambit team came together for a Packages From Home Packing Party and boxed up 150 boxes for the troops overseas. Packages From Home care packages support our currently deployed American service men and women in harm’s way outside of the U.S.A. Everyday and comfort items that we often take for granted here at […]
Feed My Starving Children

Ambit volunteered last week at a Feed My Starving Children event. Kudos to all of those who were able to attend! Our efforts (along with other volunteers) packaged enough food to feed 68 children for a year!
Ambit Team Member Spotlight: Nasir Kujenya

We are excited to launch a new blog series: Ambit Consulting’s Team Member Spotlight! You’ll get the inside scoop on our team and company culture. First, we’re putting the spotlight on Nasir Kujenya – Ambit’s Assistant Project Coordinator. We’re happy to have Nasir on the team!
Ambit Season Kick-Off Party

Ambit Consulting kicked off 2017 by celebrating at The Yard in Tempe on St. Patrick’s Day. After rolling out our 2017 theme, “AMBIT CONSULTING 2107, MAKE SURVEYING GREAT AGAIN!” at a quick all-hands meeting, the team had a great time catching up and playing some cornhole all while enjoying delicious food and plenty of green […]
Giving a Gift with Impact

Most people are operating at full throttle in December. The holidays can be a difficult time of year for those who may be struggling to make ends meet. For Ambit, December is the perfect time to extend the spirit of giving beyond our homes and give together as a team.
Top Golf Team Building & 2017 Fitness Challenge Champion

Ambit Consulting spent an afternoon at Top Golf for a team building event where the winner of the 2017 Fitness Challenge Championship was announced. And the winner is… Rick Carr! Congratulations Rick on all of your hard work!
Ambit Adopt-A-Teacher Program Q3 Winner Mrs. Gina Sanchez

Ambit Consulting went to Verrado Middle School in Buckeye AZ where the Great Mrs. Gina Sanchez teaches 6th Grade Social Studies. Ambit delivered a variety of supplies like pencils, pens, highlighters, paper, folders, tape, staples , staplers, antibacterial lotions and wipes along with some fast cleaning materials that are in demand for most classrooms.
NW Wireless Association Golf Tournament

Ambit Consulting sponsored the 18th hole at the NW Wireless Association Golf Tournament on August 18th. It was great time on the green golfing and networking.